In the ordinary course of the day, our gums and teeth face attacks from bacteria and viruses. They all pose health risks but it is the bacterial colonies that form that jelly like film on our teeth commonly known as plaque that set the conditions for cavities to thrive.
As oral bacteria consume the sugars from the liquids and food we consume, they secrete acid, which if not removed, will ultimately corrode away the natural defenses of our gums and teeth. There is only one way to put up a complete defense against plaque: professional deep teeth cleaning.

During regular dental cleaning, the hygienist uses a distinct instrument to measure the distance between a tooth and the adjoining gum tissue to detect a condition known as pocketing. A healthy pocket has 3mm or less space between the tooth and the gum.
If the pocket is 5mm or more, your dentist will probably advise deep teeth cleaning. So under what circumstances will your dentist recommend deep teeth cleaning? Let us look at some instances.

When plaque build-up requires thorough cleaning

Although practically half of all adults above the age of thirty have chronic gum disease, most of us simply need basic teeth cleaning so as to prevent tooth decay and treat mild gum disease. For those individuals who do not take proper dental care and develop severe or moderate gum disease, dentists recommend deep teeth cleaning.
The reason for this is because when a patient has not received a standard cleaning for some time, plaque will tend to build up on their teeth. Root planing is the thorough removal of plaque, which involves the hygienist employing an ultrasonic device to vibrate the plaque off the surface.

Next, the hygienist will manually follow up with a tool known as a curette, which has a very fine and small blade to ensure that not a trace of plaque remains. Most patients discover that they require a deep teeth cleaning after an oral exam and luckily, most dental clinics in Mississauga are able to perform the procedure on the same day.

When patient suffers from moderate gum disease

If your dentist recommends dental cleaning in Mississauga, it’s imperative for you to follow through in order to prevent further tooth decay or worsening of periodontal disease because both can lead to the need of more invasive and expensive procedures. Moreover, periodontal disease can badly affect your general health and has a connection to strokes, dementia and even heart disease.
When a patient suffers from gum disease, the dentist will perform scaling, which is a more comprehensive procedure that involves going deeper under the surface of the gum line and along the tooth surface. He may use a metal scaling tool or laser instruments.

To ensure that the bacterial infection completely heals, the dentist will irrigate the entire affected area with antibiotic medication. They may also prescribe an oral antibiotic. It may also be necessary for you to come in for a second dentist appointment to ensure that the infection does not recur and that the teeth and gums are healing as expected.